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24 slides

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We've double-checked and confirmed the accuracy of all information about this agency.

24 slides



1-3 days


Starts at

🏦 For enterprises

πŸ’° Premium

πŸ’Ž Top-notch

Editor's Picks

Agency information

Founded by
Tobias Schelles
Year founded
Company size


24 slides

Our purpose

Behind every slide is a team of talented and passionate people. We know that our success is directly related to our colleagues’ hard work and integrity. And we believe that every person has something unique to bring to the world - you just need to be given the chance.

Our vision

We want to become the worlds’ most convenient and cost-effective graphic design outsourcing company. We want to offer graphic design services at a revolutionary price-value, while leading the way for socially conscious businesses in emerging markets.

Our values

We TrustIn EachOther
Our goals
We wish to contribute to the UN 2030 agenda
by supporting the Sustainable Development Goals ❀️

To accomplish this, we want to constantly evolve in pursuit of increasing our positive impact in the world, mainly within education and employment opportunities.


As a business, we focus on empowering people in emerging markets

This means that we do our best to provide job security in countries where that is not a given. Additionally, we are making regular donations, both financially and pro bono, and thereby supporting charity and those less fortunate. Finally, we also offer our colleagues the opportunity to support their local communities via volunteering up to three days a year during working hours

We want to become the worlds’ most convenient and cost-effective graphic design outsourcing company. We want to offer graphic design services at a revolutionary price-value, while leading the way for socially conscious businesses in emerging markets.

Screenshots and media

We don't have any media for this service yet.


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An FAQ section for this agency will be available soon.

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A blog section for this agency will be available soon.