Design Buffs

Design Buffs

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Design Buffs



2-3 days


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Graphic Design

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Agency information

Founded by
Carsten Pleiser
Year founded
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Design Buffs

Goodbye design headaches! Say hello to Design Buffs, your reliable partner to get B2B marketing design done at scale. We beat fancy agencies and flakey freelancers. We act as an extra boost for your in-house team, handling all your day-to-day design needs. Launch faster, worry less, and re-shift your focus on strategy.

Design Buffs is the only creative-as-a-subscription solution that tackles the day-to-day design needs of ambitious B2B teams globally, by providing access to creative talent supported by technology and amazing human beings, in an era where high quality design, speed, access, and convenience matters.

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  • Dedicated team of global creative talent
  • 12- to 48-hour turnaround if needed
  • Built to meet your day-to-day design needs
  • Transparent and predictable pricing
  • A convenient and engaging platform
  • Creative onboarding to your brand and business

Design Buffs


What happens if I need more design capacity than my plan allows for?

We can work with you to upgrade your plan or provide additional design work on a project basis.

What if I'm not happy with the designs?

We want you to be completely satisfied with the work we deliver, so if you're not happy with the designs, we'll work with you to make revisions until you're satisfied.

What is a design subscription service?

A design subscription service is a monthly or annual service where you have access to a team of designers who can help you with all your design needs.

What kind of design work can you help me with?

We can help with a wide range of design work, including marketing design, graphic design, presentation design, illustrations, motion design, animations & UI design.

How does it work?

You sign up for a subscription plan, then you can submit requests for design work, such as social media designs, presentations or general marketing design. Our team will work on your requests and deliver the designs to you.

How long does it take to complete a request?

We pride ourselves by delivering on-brand design fast. Turnaround times vary depending on the complexity of your request. However, we'll always give you an estimated completion date when you submit a request.

How many requests can I submit per month?

There is no cap on the number of designs you can request. Depending on your plan, we have guaranteed design capacity for 20, 40 or 80+ hours per month.

Can I work with the same designer every time?

While we can't guarantee you'll always work with the same designer, we'll do our best to match you with a designer who has experience in your industry or with a similar type of request.

Do you work with specific industries or businesses?

Unlike many competitors, we specialise in working with B2B software and technology brands from startup to Enterprise.

How do I get started?

Schedule a free consultation call or sign up to get started. You can start submitting design requests straight away.

Design Buffs


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