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3-4 days


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Graphic Design

πŸ’² Affordable

πŸ‘ Good

πŸ‘ Average quality

Editor's Picks

Agency information

Founded by
Dushyant Bhatia
Year founded
Company size



DesignOye is an innovative platform dedicated to addressing the creative requirements of both individuals and businesses. We offer a remote digital marketing team as part of our monthly subscription services.

Hire your dedicated and remote digital marketing team today, starting at just $499* per month.DesignOye is your go-to place for amazing illustrations, beautiful print designs, and engaging digital marketing materials. Our team includes top-notch designers and digital marketers from around the world.

Unlike regular social media agencies, DesignOye is a modern solution that's easy to use. It's designed to keep up with the changing needs of business teams. You can access a range of digital marketing services through a clear and straightforward subscription.

For further information, please visit

Screenshots and media

We don't have any media for this service yet.


  • Graphic Design
  • Social Media Posts
  • Video Thumbnails
  • Facebook Ads
  • Unlimited Design Projects
  • Unlimited Revisions



Why am I being billed monthly?

As we operate through a subscription model, a membership is required to receive the benefits of submitting design requests anytime and as often as you need.

What method of payment do you accept?

For now, we only accept a verified credit or debit card. Any other forms of payment like money transfer, check or Paypal are currently not accepted.

What should I do if I want to expedite my project? It's taking much longer than I expected

We suggest you contact your project manager or email support for the same. The delay could be caused due to a communication gap or perhaps your designer is awaiting more information.

I want the designer to work on my project in a certain order, even though I just uploaded 10 projects

All your projects can be found placed in order on your dashboard. You can rearrange them as you please via the menu found in the drop-down section of the project card. In case you are still having trouble rearranging your projects, simply contact your project manager or designer directly and they’ll have them placed as desired.

I was just billed even after cancelling my account. Do I get a refund?

Each cancellation request comes with a time stamp which indicates the exact time and date your request was submitted. You are eligible for a refund only if you were billed after that date. Please contact support for the same.

I wish to cancel. What do I do?

You can carry out any one of the following:Email support directlyMessage your project managerUse the β€˜Contact support’ feature on the dashboard to request a cancelation

If I'm not happy about the quality of my designs, what should I do?

You can contact your designer and project manager in discussions and/or via email support. Upon your request, the project manager is most likely to assign another well-qualified designer to work on your project and closely monitor the progress. We believe all our clients should receive exceptional value and a smooth experience when they depend on us for their projects.

Regarding the fonts, are they commercial free to use?

Yes, our fonts are fully licensed or free to use.

Are my designs trademark or copyright free?

Yes, our designers ensure that the images, icons and fonts used in your designs are completely copyright free.

Can I expect a refund if I haven't used my account this month at DesignOye?

Unfortunately, we can offer you a refund only during the initial trial period and under certain circumstances, and not just due to inactivity of the account.

Can I request you to create a project in a language other than English?

Yes, however you would need to provide us with instructions solely in English as well as the entire content of the project.

Can I use one account for multiple businesses?

Yes, our online software allows you to create and manage projects for any number of brands or businesses you might run. THE SITE can be used for other businesses or even for your customers and clientele

How can I submit a design project to DesignOye?

Simply head to DASHBOARD LINK and log into your dashboard. Once you are a member with THE SITE, we’ll call you up and guide you on how to create your project, download files, provide revisions and even effectively communicate with the team working on your project.



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