Cheatcode Design

Cheatcode Design

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Cheatcode Design



2-3 days


Starts at

Website Design

🧑‍🎨 Solo team

👍 Good

💵 Expensive

Editor's Picks

Agency information

Founded by
William Rust
Year founded
Company size
Solo team


Cheatcode Design

Cheatcode is the most risk averse way to increase your team’s capacity & expertise.  Add a former lead designer to your team for 1/4 the cost and skip the burden of hiring and risk of hiring a bad fit.  Apply today and get premium designs in 2-3 days.

Screenshots and media

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  • Web Design
  • Landing Page Design
  • UI/UX Design
  • Product Design
  • Branding & Logos
  • Motion Graphic Design

Cheatcode Design


Why wouldn't I just hire a full-time designer?

The annual cost of a full-time senior-level designer now exceeds $100,000, plus benefits. Furthermore, you may not always have enough work to keep them busy at all times, so you're stuck paying for time you aren't able to utilize.

You may also have a singular project that only requires a finite amount of work that no longer requires design work upon completion.

Our monthly plan offers the flexibility to pause and resume your subscription whenever needed, ensuring you only pay for the designer's services when you have work available.

Why do you price Cheatcode Design work this way?

We have found that the flat-rate monthly membership (most similar to a retainer) provides a level of predictability that works best for both us and our clients.This model eliminates the guesswork of quoted projects and highly variable billable hours, and instead, allows us to deliver high-quality design work quicker and more consistently. Our clients also benefit from a sustained working relationship where we can make informed design decisions based on already established business goals and parameters.

Is there a limit to how many requests I can have to Cheatcode Design?

Once you become a member you may add as many design requests to your queue as you like. We will complete each request one by one.

How fast will I receive my designs from Cheatcode Design?

On average, most design requests are completed within 2-3 business days. Smaller requests may be completed within 24 hours.We will provide a more precise estimate after reviewing each design request so you always know what to expect.

Who are the designers at Cheatcode Design?

Currently we are one full time designer with and additional 3-4 trusted design partners that we will contract for specific outlier requests.Regardless of future growth, you will always have a dedicated designer that intimately knows how you prefer to work, your business, and goals.

How do we communicate without meetings at Cheatcode Design?

We handle all communication through Trello.  This allows all correspondence to be documented and discoverable.  This not only helps prevent things from "slipping through the cracks", but is also a massive time saver for both ourselves and our clients.

The nature of this asynchronous model allows us to get preliminary design assets back to our clients quickly where our clients are better able to provide more calculated feedback. We have found this to be the unanimous fastest path to a "Final" concept.

How do I request designs to Cheatcode Design?

We currently use Trello to manage and track design requests as it offers the most flexibility and a familiar interface that all our clients can pick up instantly.Our clients have requested work in numerous ways, most commonly including Figma links, google doc links, attaching loom/iphone videos, and more. As long as we can track the requests in Trello we are happy to adapt to whatever methodology suits your team best.

Why is good design important for my business?

In a world where consumers have countless options and limited attention spans, great design plays a critical role in the success of your business. If you are creating an app or digital product, the correlation may be more obvious, but we can move the needle through design for any business.

We can help you land more clients, increase sales conversions, elevate brand perception and build trust, outperform competitors, boost customer retention, and much more.

We do this by carefully synthesizing business goals and user goals, acknowledging development limitations, and leveraging hundreds of user test findings to confidently make design decisions that translate to performance benefits.

How much can using CheatCode save me?

On average our designers current market value for a typical salaried job is between $160k - $240k. Our team has worked with some of the biggest design agencies in the U.S. Even if you decide to stick with the month to month plan, you are getting world class senior level design work for a 63% to 75% discount.Our process allows us to support more clients more efficiently which translates to savings for you!

Is cheatcode right for my business?

We have found the strongest alignment with startups and organizations that anticipate ongoing work for their business.If you only have a couple one-time small requests, you can always pause or cancel your membership upon completion. We do and have supported clients with specific singular needs, however this model definitely adds more value to startups and organizations

What if I don't like the designs from Cheatcode Design?

No worries, we will revise any request until you are 100% satisfied.(hint) we provide design request templates/references to all new members so you know what design requests get the best and quickest results.

What is Cheatcode's refund policy?

We do not offer refunds.  We will always revise your designs until you're happy, but you may also pause or cancel your membership at any point.

Cheatcode Design


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