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1-2 days


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Website Design

πŸ§‘β€πŸŽ¨ Solo team

πŸ‘ Very good

πŸ›‘ Offer refund

Editor's Picks

Agency information

Founded by
PΓ³ka KrisztiΓ‘n
Year founded
Company size
Solo team



Our team's design brilliance is matched by our no-code wizardry, resulting in exceptional products that are both visually stunning and technically robust - with no-code.

Screenshots and media

We don't have any media for this service yet.


  • Top Notch Quality
  • Personal task board
  • Lightning fast delivery
  • Unique and all yours
  • Flexible and scalable
  • Money-back guarantee



What happens after I start my subscription?

You have to register to our platform. From there you are all set to start listing unlimited tasks under "To do"

What happens if I’m not happy with the outcome?

We take your feedback very highly. If you are not happy we will rework the design until you 100% satisfied.

What if I have only a single request to Design Pulse?

No worries. Once you're done, you can take a break from your subscription and come back whenever you need more designhelp. No need to let the rest of your subscription to waste

What is the average ETA for tasks with Design Pulse?

Once a task is received we immediately give you an ETA. The average ETA is 3 days.

What programs do you use at Design Pulse?

We use Our Platform to keep track of pending and done tasks, Loom videos for presenting results, Figma for designing, Bubbleand Webflow for building stunning web app/mobile apps.

How many tasks can I add under "To Do" with Design Pulse?

There is no limit to the amount of tasks you can add to your queue. Important to keep in mind that each task is worked one at atime.

Is there a limit to how complex tasks can be with Design Pulse?

No, tasks can be as complex as you need. Before we get started with a complex task our first step is to divide into smaller ones,this will help you have better visibility and for us move faster.

Are there any refunds if I don’t like the service at Design Pulse?

If for any reason you're not satisfied with our work, we've got you covered. You can request a refund within 7 days of billing,although we're confident that won't be necessary given the high standards of our work.

Does Design Pulse work with contracts?

No contracts to sign, only a monthly subscription. If you need an NDA, no problem at all, we can sign one

How can I pause or cancel my subscription with Design Pulse?

You can cancelor pause your subscription in your own dashboard easily with one button. There is no minimum contract minimum length or cancellation fee.



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