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3-4 days


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Graphic Design

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Agency information

Founded by
Arnaud Petrozzi
Year founded
Located in
India 🇮🇳
Company size



We are a team of energetic and open-minded people that love working together. Everything started from a friendship between a designer, a developer, and a project manager. Conscious of the limitation imposed on design and development projects by hourly billing, quote requests, budget limitation, etc. we decided to blend graphic design, web design, and front-end development services into a simple flat-rate subscription model.

Screenshots and media

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  • Unlimited Designs
  • Experienced Team
  • Quick Turnaround
  • Multiple Technologies
  • Affordable Flat Rate
  • Easy Collaboration



Will you assign a specific designer to my account?

We do not assign a specific designer (or developer) per client, but a specific account manager. We believe that different requests can benefit from various skill sets. That’s why every request will quickly be assigned to the best person to complete the job and ensure a first-class outcome (the same kind of requests will be assigned to the same person to guarantee consistency though). And that’s how you can leverage the diverse skills of an entire team instead of only one person.

Your current plans do not match exactly what I need. Can you create a custom plan tailored to my specific needs?

Absolutely, and we are happy to do so. We are flexible to accommodate every client needs or specific way of working. Contact us or schedule a call to discuss how best we could support you.

What do you mean by unlimited at Design Tork?

You can create as many requests and ask for as many revisions as you need. We will work on one project at a time (or two for pro plan subscribers) and start working on the next request as soon as the previous one is completed. You can explore unlimited design options and do not face limitations imposed by budget constraints, hourly billing from agencies and freelancers, etc.

What type of projects do you take up?

We have different expert teams who specialize in graphic design, web design, and front-end development. Check our scope of work or get in touch with our team to learn more.

How long does the conversion of designs into live websites take?

It depends on the complexity of the designs. While simple websites can take less than a week, complex ones can take anywhere between one to three weeks to be completed. Feel free to contact us to discuss a specific project and get a better idea of its turnaround.

There are many apps and plugins to convert design files into HTML or CSS. Why would someone choose DesignTork?

There are indeed many apps and tools to convert designs to HTML or CSS. However, at DesignTork we provide you with error-free, responsive, cross-browser compatible, and perfectly hand-coded pages and that makes us far better than these tools.

As an agency, can I resell your work?

Yes, you have full ownership of the deliverables. Several of our clients are agencies and we are happy to support them.

Can you work on projects in another language at Design Tork?

Yes, we can handle projects in multiple languages as long as you provide the content along with instructions in English.

Do you guys offer a trial period at Design Tork?

We want you to be sure that we are the right partner for you. All new clients enjoy a 15-day money back guarantee to try our services, and you can ask for a full refund if you are not satisfied (but believe us, you will be!). No question asked.

How can I share my requests and communicate with you?

Every client gets access to a personal dashboard where you can easily create and manage all your requests in one place. There, you can also communicate with the person handling your request. But we are open to other ways of collaborating like Slack, etc. Please reach out to us to discuss how best we can collaborate and support you.

How can you ensure quality with such a short turnaround?

We spent a lot of time improving and perfecting our processes to make them as efficient as possible and ensure we can combine both speed and quality. If we need more time to properly complete a complex request, then we let you know the delivery date in advance.



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