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Graphic Design

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Callum Humphreys
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Creatoβ„’ is an Australian based graphic design agency

Helping Australian businesses with logo design, website design & marketing

We are a team of talented graphic designers & web developers

We specialise in clean, modern design

Creatoβ„’ has been featured in The Huffington Post, Entrepreneur, BuzzFeed & Just Creative

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  • Graphic Design
  • Web Design
  • Logo Design
  • Unlimited Revisions
  • Social Media Post
  • Brand Designs



Who handles the hosting and domain registration?

We work with a number of trusted domain and hosting service providers to make sure your website is always up and running.For your benefit and to ensure you have full control, we suggest registering your domain and hosting in your business name.

Will my website be mobile and iPad friendly?

Absolutely! It's essential that your website is accessible and looks fantastic on every device, from mobile phones to iPads.We design our websites to be fully responsive, meaning they adapt to fit any screen size perfectly. This ensures a great user experience for all your visitors, no matter the device they're using.

What differentiates Creato from other Sydney web design agencies?

At Creato, we offer a unique blend of creativity, experience, and dedication. Our team of seasoned designers and developers are passionate about delivering high-quality, professional, and practical websites. We have a diverse portfolio showcasing our work with various brands and organisations, and our customer reviews speak to our commitment to excellent service. If you value elegant and compelling graphic works delivered quickly, you'll love working with us.

What does a web design process typically involve?

The web design process typically includes several stages:1. Discovery (understanding client needs)2. Planning (creating a project plan)3. Design (developing the visual elements)4. Development (coding the website)5. Testing (ensuring functionality and fixing any bugs) 6. Launch (making the site live)At Creato, we keep our clients involved and informed at each stage of the process.

What if my question isn’t answered here?

Not to worry! We're always here to assist with any additional queries you might have. Send us a message here.

What is graphic design?

Graphic design is the art of creating visual content to communicate a message to a specific audience. It involves using typography, images, colours, and other design elements to convey information or evoke emotions. Graphic design can be used for various purposes, such as advertising, branding, web design, packaging design, and more. A good graphic designer understands the importance of visual communication and visual design in their work.

What is responsive web design and why is it important?

Responsive web design makes your website easy to use on all devices - computers, tablets, and phones. It's key for your business as it improves user experience, boosts mobile visits, and can help increase sales.

What is the average cost of web design services in Sydney?

The cost of web design services can vary widely depending on factors such as the complexity of the project, the experience level of the designer, and the timeline for the project.As a rough guide, a basic website might cost anywhere between AUD $2,000 to AUD $10,000, while a far more complex website could cost AUD $20,000 or more.The cost of our web design services depends on the intricacy of your project. To get a detailed quote tailored to your specific needs, we invite you to request a FREE quote here.

What is the average cost of graphic design services in Sydney?

The cost of graphic design services in Sydney can vary depending on the project’s complexity, the designer’s experience, and the timeframe in which the project needs to be completed. As a rough estimate, you could expect to pay anywhere from AUD $60 to AUD $200 per hour for graphic design services in Sydney, although some designers may charge a fixed rate for specific projects. It’s always a good idea to conduct market research to get a sense of the average rates.

What is web design?

Web design is the process of creating how a website looks and works.This includes choosing the layout, colours, and fonts, as well as making sure the site is easy to use. It's all about combining good looks with functionality to create a website that's both attractive and user-friendly.Web design is the digital equivalent of architecture. Just as an architect designs spaces that are functional, aesthetically pleasing, and tailored to the inhabitants' needs, good web design creates an online space that is easy to navigate, visually engaging, and reflective of your business's unique identity. It's about crafting a digital 'home' for your ideas or business that visitors find inviting, intuitive, and impactful.

What makes a website user-friendly?

A user-friendly website is easy to navigate, quick to load, responsive across various devices, and designed with the user's needs in mind. It should have a clear layout, intuitive navigation, readable text, attractive visuals, and actionable content that helps users achieve their goals with minimal effort.

What services does Creato provide?

We are a full-service digital agency, meaning you can get all the services you are looking for under one roof. We help businesses create their brand from the ground up, typically including logo design, brand design, professional website design, email signatures, corporate stationery, marketing materials, social media marketing or graphic design. Our business strategy ensures that all designs align with your brand’s unique branding.

What skills should I look for in a web designer?

A proficient web designer should have a grasp of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, a sound understanding of web design principles and user experience, attention to detail, strong communication skills, and the ability to meet tight deadlines.

How long does it take to complete a graphic design project in Sydney?

The timeframe for completing a graphic design project can vary depending on the scope and complexity of the project. Some projects, like banner design or social media posts, may be completed in a few hours, while others, such as a comprehensive web development or branding initiative, may take several weeks or months. It’s essential to discuss the timeline with the graphic designers before starting the project to ensure that the deadline is realistic and achievable.

How long does it take to build a website?

The time it takes to build a website can vary, but it usually takes us between 3-8 weeks.This depends on what you need from your website. Once we know more about your project, we can give you a more specific timeline.If you're in a rush, let us know, and we'll do our best to work to your schedule.

I want different file types of my design, what can you provide?

We provide all of the file types for your graphic design. These include .PSD, .EPS, .AI, .PDF, .JPG, and .PNG. You will receive the files in a variety of colour ways, such as full colour, inverse, monochromatic (black and white). These files include high-res and vector, which means you will be able to scale the design to the size of a jumbo-jet without any quality loss. Our web development team ensures that these files are optimized for both web and print projects.

I'm not tech-savvy. Will I be able to manage my website?

Absolutely! We build our websites with user-friendly content management systems, meaning you can update your site with new content, images, products, or blog posts without any technical expertise.Plus, we provide training on how to use and manage your website effectively.

My question isn't answered here?

Not a problem. We are always happy to answer any questions you may have. Whether it’s about web design, digital solutions, or any other aspect of graphic design, reach out to us. Contact us here, and we will respond within 24 hours.

We want designs for our restaurant interior signage, can Creato help?

Absolutely! We have worked with many businesses on their in-store menu boards as well as counter or bench-top wraps. Our graphic designers in Sydney specialise in creating unique branding elements for interiors. Please send an email with photos of your interior design space and size, so we can find out more about what you need and provide digital solutions tailored to your requirements.

We will need our brochure design in a range of different sizes for printing, can you help?

Yes, we will provide you with any required sizes or file types that you need for print projects. Our team understands the nuances of digital design and ensures that your brochures maintain their visual identity across different print sizes.

What are brand guidelines?

A Brand Guideline is an incredibly helpful document that contains everything about the brand, from A-to-Z. This includes:1. Logo Design: primary and secondary logos, the logomark, colour pairing, minimum size, placement, background usage, unacceptable usage. 2. Colour Palette: primary and secondary colours, call-to-action colours, unacceptable usage. 3. Typography: primary and secondary typefaces, headline, subheading, and body text, examples. 4. Brand Applications: print design, poster design, business card design, email signature design, etc.Feel free to call or mail us to view examples of our brand guidelines and understand our business strategy in design brand identities.

What are some common mistakes to avoid in graphic design?

Some common mistakes to avoid in graphic design include using too many fonts or colours, using low-quality images or graphics, and neglecting visual communication principles. Other pitfalls might be using inconsistent design brand identities, neglecting the corporate identity, or failing to consider the target market and its needs. Engaging with experienced graphic designers can help avoid these pitfalls.

What are some current web design trends?

There's always something new and exciting in the world of web design.Some current web design trends include minimalistic designs, responsive layouts, bold typography, custom animations, and dark mode themes.

What are the advantages of working with a professional graphic design agency in Sydney?

The main advantage of working with a graphic design agency in Sydney is having access to a highly skilled team of designers who can create a range of designs that will achieve business objectives.A professional graphic designer knows how to create a strategic design that helps drive your brand forward. Local designers will also know what works best in Sydney, ensuring your branding and marketing materials resonate with a local audience. Their expertise in web design and digital solutions further amplifies your brand’s reach.

Are there any hidden costs at Creato?

No, we believe in transparency. Our quotes clearly outline the scope of our services and the corresponding costs.

Can a graphic designer help with branding and marketing strategies?

Yes, a graphic designer can significantly assist with branding and marketing strategies. They can create visual elements such as logos, packaging design, and advertising materials that align with the brand’s messaging and target audience. With their expertise in digital marketing and visual design, they can ensure that your brand resonates both online and offline.

Can a web designer help with search engine optimisation (SEO)?

Absolutely, a competent web designer can incorporate SEO-friendly elements into your website design, such as clean code, proper heading structure, and mobile optimisation.

Can Creato develop on WordPress, Shopify, Squarespace, etc.?

We cater to a wide array of client requirements and have proficiency in working with popular platforms such as WordPress, Shopify, Squarespace, and Wix.Feel free to contact us, and we'll be happy to recommend the right platform for your business.

Can I see some of the work you've done before?

We have an extensive portfolio showcasing a myriad of projects that we've undertaken across diverse styles and industries. We pride ourselves on tailoring each website design to meet the unique requirements of the client and their target audience.To get a sense of our work, please feel free to browse through our portfolio here. Where you can visit the live websites we've created.

Can I sell products on my website?

Absolutely! We can equip your website with full ecommerce functionality, allowing you to list and sell products online.Our team will work closely with you to set up a seamless and user-friendly online store, and we'll provide guidance and support on managing your product listings.

Can you create a logo and menu design for our restaurant in the same theme?

We are big believers in consistency. Our team of graphic designers will ensure that your menu design is perfectly matched to your entire restaurant branding theme. This means that the typography, logo, illustrations, and colours used within your menu design are consistent with all graphic elements for your business. Both in-store and online,, your restaurant will have a consistent theme throughout, reflecting a strong corporate identity.

Can you design infographics?

Yes, we will work with you to create infographic designs that can be used on your website, blog, Pinterest, or other social networks. Infographics are a powerful tool for visual communication. We also create wall mural infographics, a popular digital design feature within company office spaces, ensuring a cohesive visual identity.

Can you help if I already have a website but want to improve it?

Yes, we can! If you already have a website but it's not delivering the results you want, we can help. We offer website redesign services to improve its look, functionality, and performance.We'll work with you to understand your goals and create a website that better meets your needs.

Can you help with graphic design for social media?

Absolutely. We can provide you with a custom social media marketing package. This will include bespoke social media post templates for platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, ensuring a consistent visual design. These templates will reduce the amount of time you spend creating/designing each post from scratch, allowing you to focus on your digital marketing strategies.

Do I own my website?

Absolutely! Once we've completed the design and development, the website is entirely yours. You retain full ownership and copyright, giving you complete control over your online presence.At Creato, we believe in empowering our clients to take charge of their digital landscape.

Do you have a monthly retainer package for business graphic design?

Yes, we offer monthly retainer packages tailored to your digital marketing needs. Fill in the form or Contact us; we can provide you with a tailored quote that includes services like banner design, social media posts, and more.

Do you make university brochure designs?

Yes, we have worked with some of the top universities in Australia, including Sydney University. Thousands of people across Australia have seen our university brochure graphic designs. Our designs are not just about aesthetics; they blend creative and digital designs.Once you’re happy with your university brochure design, we can help connect you with a reliable Australian print projects company so you can start distribution as soon as possible!

Do you provide brand kit graphic design in Sydney?

Definitely. Our brand kit includes your colour palette, fonts/typography, logo usage, graphic elements, email signature, business card, letterhead, and more. Once the creative design is complete, we will send you an easily shareable file for you to send to colleagues or printing agencies to bring your brand to life.Brand kit design is included in our Platinum package, but we can certainly add this to whichever package you’ve selected.Contact us to receive some examples of our brand guidelines.

Do you provide a payment schedule?

We do have a payment plan in place. Our approach involves an initial 50% deposit to commence the project, followed by the final 50% payment when your website is live and you're completely happy with it.

Does Creato assist with content creation?

Yes, at Creato, we're not just about design – we're about crafting a comprehensive digital experience. We offer design services, of course, but we also provide copywriting services to help communicate your brand story effectively.These services are available as separate offerings, allowing you to customise the package that suits your specific needs.

How can a website benefit my business?

A website acts like a 24/7 digital storefront for your business, boosting your visibility and credibility. It's a platform where you can showcase your products or services, engage with customers, and drive sales.With a website, you can reach out to a broader audience and compete more effectively in today's digital-centric business environment.

How can I ensure that my graphic design project is successful?

To ensure the success of your graphic design project, it’s crucial to have a clear idea of your goals and objectives, communicate them clearly to the designer, and provide feedback throughout the design process. Choosing a creative agency with the necessary skills and experience to deliver high-quality work is also essential. Incorporating market research can also help align the design with your target market needs.

How can I find a reliable and affordable web designer in Sydney?

We understand that choosing a reliable and affordable web designer can be challenging, especially when there are so many options out there, and not all of them deliver as promised.To find the right fit for your needs, we recommend researching online, examining designers' or agencies' portfolios, reading reviews from previous clients, and having a clear discussion about rates and timelines.This due diligence helps ensure that you're investing in a designer who can effectively bring your vision to life.

How can I find a reputable, experienced graphic designer in Sydney?

Finding a reputable graphic designer in Sydney can be a challenging task. To begin, you need to scope out the different options available. Some practical ways to locate a reputable and experienced graphic designer in Sydney include searching for a professional graphic designer on Google, looking for Sydney graphic designers on social media platforms, and asking your social network for recommendations. Partnering with a creative agency can also ensure you work with the best graphic designers in the region.



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