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2-3 days


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Graphic Design

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Agency information

Founded by
Rahul Luthra
Year founded
Company size
Solo team



Designment is a subscription-based agency that offers compelling design solutions to help businesses stand out in a crowded market. At Designment, we excel in crafting standout designs for apps, websites, and branding tailored for startups and growing businesses. Through our subscription model, we provide ongoing design support to help elevate your design capabilities.

Screenshots and media

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  • Unlimited backlog requests
  • One active request at a time
  • Unlimited brands
  • Unlimited users on trello
  • 40 stock photos from shutterstock
  • Easy credit-card payments



Who will be working on my designs?

Designment is an agency founded by a single designer, Rahul Luthra. You will work directly with me for most design requests. However, I do partner up with other designers in my network in some cases where extra work is required

Why should I choose Designment instead of hiring a full-time designer?

Designment offers several advantages over hiring a full-time designer. Firstly, the cost of a full-time senior-level designer, including benefits, can exceed $100,000 annually. With Designment's subscription, you pay a fixed monthly fee, saving you significant expenses.Additionally, hiring a full-time designer may not be necessary if you don't have a consistent flow of design work, as you would be paying for their time even when there's no work available. Designment allows you to pause and resume your subscription as needed, ensuring you only pay for design services when you require them.

What design programs are used?

Designment primarily utilizes Figma for design requests. This industry-standard design tool ensures efficient collaboration and high-quality designs.

What if I only have a single design request?

That's absolutely fine. You can pause your subscription once your design request is completed and return whenever you have additional design needs. There's no need to let the remainder of your subscription go unused.

What if I'm not satisfied with the design?

Designment is committed to your satisfaction. They will continue to revise the design until you are 100% happy with the result. Your feedback and preferences are valued throughout the process.

What is the turnaround time for design requests?

Designment aims to complete most design requests within two days or less. However, more complex requests may require additional time to ensure the best possible outcome.

How the pause feature work?

Designment understands that you may not always have a constant stream of design work. If you need to pause your subscription, you can do so at any time. The billing cycle is based on a 31-day period. For example, if you use the service for 21 days and then pause, you will have 10 days remaining on your subscription that can be used at a later time.

Is there a limit to the number of design requests I can make?

Once you subscribe to Designment, you can add as many design requests as you'd like to your queue. However, the requests are delivered one by one, allowing the designer to focus on delivering high-quality designs without overwhelming themselves or compromising on quality.

Is there a refund policy if I'm not satisfied with the service?

Due to the high-quality nature of Designment's work, there are no refunds issued. However, their commitment to ensuring your satisfaction means they will work tirelessly to meet your design requirements.

How can I submit design requests?

Designment offers flexibility in how you can submit design requests. Most clients use Trello, where you can directly request designs, share Google docs or wireframes, or even record a brief Loom video if you prefer a visual explanation. As long as it can be linked or shared in Trello, it can be used as a reference for your design request.



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