Steps To Hire A Graphic Designer For Your Business

Steps To Hire A Graphic Designer For Your Business

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Is your business growing? Are you sure that your business is growing and can handle a new employee? Are you looking to hire a graphic designer? Then you are at the right place. Whether you want a designer on a part-time, contract, or full-time basis, this article is set to clear all your doubts.

Approximately 80% of graphic artists in the United States are working in a freelance work environment. They are well-trained and know how to work professionally. The work falls upon the businesses and firms to appoint the perfect candidate for them.

This article will give you a detailed insight about:

  • How to decide a suitable work environment for your designers.
  • The skills you are seeking.
  • How to proceed in the hiring procedure.

The Best graphic artists are those who can accurately bring uniqueness to each of their designs. A creative designer can provide you the freedom to focus on other aspects of your business.

Hiring a new employee is an intricate procedure in which you, as an employer, have to take care of many things. If you’re hiring, let’s find graphic designers for your company in this article.

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Wondering How To Hire A Graphic Designer In 7 Steps

Now that you have a detailed description of how to employ the best candidate, you need to channel your hiring process. You will be required to form your hiring team, which will be responsible for all the steps. A graphic designer can help you with your in-hand multiple projects. Let’s find out how to enroll graphic designers that fit your needs

Step 1 – Clarify Your Design Needs

The first step is to check with your team to see where they are lacking. Various designers specialize in a particular area; it depends on your business needs to select a particular type of designer.

There is a chance that you will get a designer who knows how to multitask the different design needs in a single duration of time. This will help you a lot financially as well as in management purposes.

The design needs you might require an illustrator for could be a logo designer, branding designer, advertisement campaigning designer, infographic, animation, or business designer. It is better to ask the designer to explain the designs they have worked on.

Step 2 – Define Your Graphic Design Skills

The next step is to analyze the skills you require for the design job. Graphic experts have to undergo a variety of certifications to become well-skilled in the graphic design job. The important thing from your end is to decide what skills you are looking for.

Not everyone has all the skills in the world. Based on your project details, you can decide what works best for your clients. Skills like using different sorts of tools, communicating with the team, experiences in handling clients, and many more

Step 3 – Prepare A Job Description For Graphic Designers

A job description is an explanation of the job roles which are expected from a candidate for the position. It is an outline of the roles and responsibilities in a company. You can mention the details of your business as well.

Before posting the vacant position on websites and flyers, you must decide the details of the job. You will have to include some intricate details as well. The applicants will read the job description and decide whether they wish to apply or not.

It is one of the most necessary steps to get a desired candidate. It is important to find a graphic artist that can fit into your work environment.

Step 4 – Know How To Hire From The Applied Candidates

If you have successfully reached this step, you are close to hiring someone talented. Now, from this step onwards, you need to decide the code of conduct for the hiring procedure. It is on the hiring committee to determine the pre-employment rounds.

The committee will discuss its bandwidth and time limitations for hiring. Accordingly, it will discuss the test questions, test processes, interview questions, and hiring criteria. The sooner these decisions are made, the sooner you will be able to start analyzing the candidates.

Step 5 – Test Their Design Process

The first step of the hiring process should be testing their design skills. If you’re looking to hire a designer who knows the process of design, it is essential to analyze their skills against your requirements.

One thing you can do is create a mock-up design project that aligns with your company’s vision. Provide them with the deadline of the project and ask them to submit it by them. If needed, designers will submit their ideas for future work.

Step 6 – Interview All The Candidates

Every graphic designer should be able to give a face-to-face interview if your requirement is to work from the office. This is essential to understanding the candidate’s communication and determination. You can also study the candidate’s body language.

The hiring committee can decide the interview questions and the details to conduct the procedure. You can gain a perspective about the possible candidates.

Step 7 – Hire The Best Graphic Designer

You are just one step away from hiring graphic designers for your business. Deciding how to hire among the candidates for your graphic illustrator position can be a laborious task. According to your set criteria, you can choose your employee. The next step is to finalize the contract and mention the details in the same. Such contracts state the guidelines for employment that an employee would refer to.

Contractual, Part-Time, Or Freelance Graphic Designer

The first step before starting the whole hiring procedure is to understand the company’s limitations and bandwidth. Whether you hire a freelancer or a new graphic designer depends on your requirements and team.

Hiring a full-time designer is the best option if you are short of artists or someone has left is a better option. Still, there are various other options available for choosing the suitable work type for your employees. Find a graphic designer who is ready to show determination toward the company.

What Is A Contractual Designer?

Contractual work type is when you pre-decide the designer’s time duration. You can hire someone on a contractual basis when you need graphic designs for a shorter period. It is useful when you cannot hire someone for a permanent position.

Businesses hire designers on a contract when they have a big order to complete and their existing employees have time limitations. There are times when graphic design services do not actually need a graphic designer on a permanent basis. However, there are just a few designs or logos that need to be made for the company.

Therefore, the company can intake people on a contract until they believe their work can be completed. During this time, you can ask them to either work from home or come to the office for necessary meetings.

Does A Part-Time Designer Work For Your Business?

You must already be familiar with the culture of part-time work. It is understood that a part-time employee has to do more than one job. They will not be fully committed to your work and will require a lower salary.

If your business does not require many graphic designers, a part-time designer position is best suited for you. It will provide you with financial freedom and fewer headaches by bestowing them with employee benefits.

If you are paying your part-time employees, they might be able to go the extra mile for you. If they do not have any other liability, you can also hire them full-time.

Why To Hire A Freelance Graphic Designer?

Freelancing is a position where you have the liberty to hire freelance graphic designers for a limited period or a particular project. You must find freelance graphic designers for your business if you have sudden clients or projects and no employees to work on them.

If you are not sure whom to hire, then you can try the designer for freelance work and offer them a full-time designer position as well. Freelance graphic designers may require you to provide them with the exact timelines of the project. This lets them plan their working hours for different ongoing projects.

If you cannot manage a full-time graphic designer professional, it is the right decision to hire a freelance graphic designer. Freelance designers are always on the go.

Great Graphic Designer Skills

You must find the right graphic designer that suits all your needs. Many talented graphic designers come up with all the required skills needed for your project. However, you must have your needs clarified from the start.

A graphic designer’s duty these days is to be unique and well-versed in all the technical knowledge, but is that enough? Let’s find out:

Type Of Graphic Design Work They Do

You need to choose the skills you’re looking to hire for. There might be designers in the market who do not have enough experience working on a particular project. That is why you need to know their specialty.

Product Design – If your business is to design products to develop new products, you might require a product designer. It is essential to hire someone whose mindset is aligned with yours for no future clashes.

Branding – Branding is also done by a graphic artist. You will need to provide the designer with all the details of the products. They will then help you prepare a brand of key products for your company.

Web Designer – Web designers are designers who are skilled in designing the whole website on their own. It will require an ample amount of creativity and uniqueness.

Ad Designers – If you have an established business, your next step is to grow it. In the modern age, ad campaigns have become a solution for that. Designing and working on those ads will require a skilled designer.

What Their Design Process Is

Graphic design skills are hard to acquire. You must be qualified and certified to attain an excellent job. The most important thing is to find someone who is determined and has a plan in mind to help you with your work.

When you ask the candidate about how they generate a design, try to analyze whether the designer has a proper working process. Your focus should be on how they research the client and the project and how they use the tools.

Technical Skills

There are many design software applications available for designers. These help them complete their projects quickly and efficiently, making it essential to work smartly. Graphic designers use these tools to create a design.

Tools such as Canva, Adobe, Figma, and Cloud have specific features for creating good graphic design. Many certifications are available to learn these tools individually and in detail. A skilled designer is often professionally trained in these tools.

Skill Of Precision

Attention to detail is required of a creative designer because it gives the design a personal touch and a wide outlook. In-house designers have many responsibilities, and they may handle more than one project at a time.

They will only be able to complete the projects on time and in a unique way if they have precision skills. They must be able to identify mistakes in the design and rectify them.

Communication Skills

Communication skills are the most important thing to look for in a candidate. If your business works with different clients, then the designer must be able to communicate and understand their needs.

Your team may also have employees from different regions. Therefore, it becomes necessary to have one communication platform for everyone to connect. There will come a time when artists will have to collaborate with other designers or employees. It becomes efficient if they have nice communication skills.

Learn To Write Graphic Designer Job Description

This is the most important step in attracting thousands of graphic designers from around the world. The job description gives a little peek into your business’s roles and responsibilities. It is essential to mention all the little details here for a better understanding of the future.

From an employee’s point of view, it is hard to trust employers these days. A graphic designer needs assurance in writing that they will be paid a certain amount and at a particular time with all the perks your company has to offer.

The details that are necessary to be there on a job description are:

  • Have clear communication about the roles and responsibilities you are expecting out of them. Mention the kind of work your business does and what they deals with.
  • Mention your company’s working hours and shifts. A designer must be mentally prepared for the duration of your office.
  • Make a column for the essential qualifications, which will contain all the degrees and certifications the job requires. Below that, you can mention the good-to-go certificates, which are not necessary but will be an add-on.
  • Mention the skills you are looking for a designer.
  • The most important thing to mention is the salary details (negotiable or non-negotiable). You can also refer to the perks and benefits your business has to offer.
  • If you’re not hiring a fresher, mention that you need experienced graphic designers.
How Much Do Graphic Designers Charge?

In this time of recession and inflation, everyone expects an employee who can work for a lower budget. However, it is not the right choice for you. A designer will feel unmotivated to work and might not be productive to you.

Although a graphic illustrator is dependent on various other external factors, a few of them are mentioned below:

  • The amount of experience they have
  • If they are working from home or office
  • What kind of skills do they have
  • The location you are hiring for
  • The working situation (part-time, full-time, or freelance) you prefer

According to all these parameters, there is an estimated figure for experienced designers. You will have to pay them approximately $45,000 to $55,000 in salary compensation.

Now, graphic creators are already aware of the market and must have worked in a freelance market as well. So, before you negotiate with the candidate, be clear about your company’s budget and stick to it.

A Few Graphic Designer Interview Questions

Interview questions should be based on your business’s work and the design requirements. Still, if you have doubts about what to ask, here is a list of a few of the interview questions.

  • Ask them to give feedback about the design they worked on for your test.
  • What graphic design resources, such as physical tools and graphic design software, do you use?
  • What is your favorite project design type to work on?
  • What is your current favorite design trend in the industry?
  • Ask them about their experiences working with the different tools.
  • If they belong somewhere else, they are willing to relocate.
  • Give them a problem statement to solve, such as disagreements with team members, tough clients, or artist’s block.
  • What type of design process do you follow?

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