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3-4 days


Starts at

Website Design

🧑‍🎨 Solo team

💵 Expensive

👍 Average quality

Editor's Picks

Agency information

Founded by
Dorus van Keulen
Year founded
Company size
Solo team



WebFlash replaces freelancers and expensive agencies for one flat monthly fee, with websites delivered so fast that it will blow your mind. Lightning fast delivery. No more waiting weeks for a website. Just days. Skip the endless back-and-forth and get WebFlash work in record speed! Fixed monthly rate No surprises here. One monthly subscription, pay the same amount every month. No contracts, pause or cancel anytime. Less meetings, better design Don't enjoy meetings? Neither do we. We love async work and guarantee you less time spent on meetings. Unique and all yours Every website we deliver is made especially and unique designed for you, and 100% owned by you. Flexible and scalable. Scale up or down as needed, and pause or cancel your monthly subscription anytime.. Ongoing support. Always an experienced Web Specialist with 20+ years experience that's just an email away to help you.

Screenshots and media

We don't have any media for this service yet.


  • Website Design
  • Mobile Design
  • Webflow Development
  • A/B Testing
  • Funnel System
  • SEO Optimalisation



Who are the designers at WebFlash?

WebFlash is a company of one. You will work with me, the founder. For specific things like photography, videos, animations, or custom illustrations I bring along other specialists.

What happens after I start my subscription at WebFlash?

You will get an invitation email to your Trello workspace. From there you are all set to start listing unlimited tasks under "To do".

What happens if I’m not happy with the design?

We take your feedback very seriously. If you are not happy we will revision our work until you are 100% satisfied. Your satisfaction is our reward.

What is the average turnaround for tasks at WebFlash?

Once a task is received we immediately give you an delivery date. The average time is 2 days. If a task is more complex it will be divided in smaller ones.

What programs do you use at WebFlash?

We use Trello to keep track of pending and done tasks, Loom videos for presenting results, Axure for Interaction Design, Figma and Photoshop for Visual Design, Webflow for building stunning sites, Shopify for webshops, Memberstack for memberships, Linguana for multi-language translations, Zapier for external integrations and Mailchimp for funnel systems and newsletters.

Is there a limit to how complex tasks can be at WebFlash?

No, tasks can be as complex as you need. Before we get started with a complex task our first step is to divide into smaller ones, this will help you have better visibility and for us move faster.

Is there a limit to the number of requests to WebFlash?

No, once subscribed, you can add as many requests to the queue as you want. They will be delivered one by one.

Do you offer a refund at WebFlash?

Yes, we offer a 7-day refund policy for unsatisfied customers. After this period, refunds will not be provided due to the nature of the work involved.

Do you work with contracts at WebFlash?

No contracts to sign, only a monthly subscription. If you need an NDA, no problem at all, we can sign one.

How can I pause or cancel my subscription at WebFlash?

Very simple, just send me an email and we will pause you're subscription within 24 hours. There is no minimum contract minimum length or cancellation fee.



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